DJ Vkash

Wedding Entertainment in Agra

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About DJ Vkash

Vikash Yadav know professionally as DJ VKASH is a Pune based Disc Jockey. He started his musical journey when he finished college, However his DJing career only began in 2017. He Learnt DJing from ?S & A DJ Academy? a prominent in Pune DJ Circuit. He is a unique artist who has successfully brought together two seeming disparate worlds. DJ VKASH grew up with an intense love for Music traversing through a wide array of local and International music. As DJ his introduction to the stage was no less impressive. He have played various renowned clubs and Hotels. He is know for his exclusive set play in his every gig. He is constantly working on improving his skills as a DJ and he is currently concentrating on becoming a better version of himself everyday .

genre of music

edm, hip-hop, bollywood, punjabi

other services included

sound, lighting set up, led, trussing, dance floor

destination weddings


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