Plumtin Design Pvt.Ltd.

Bridal Wear in Chandigarh

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About Plumtin Design Pvt.Ltd.

It was a chance peep into her grand mother’s ‘tin’ trunk that propelled this advertising professional into the world of heritage couture, compelling her to design modern heirlooms, ‘plum’ in their richness and evolved in their sensibility. And thus was born Plumtin, a couture label by Samarjeet Singh Gurm that meets global acclaim for creating exquisite ensembles. Resplendent with rare embroideries and rich embellishments, each piece made from the finest hand woven textiles the Samarjeet’s treasure trunk can be found clothes for the contemporary heiress who believes in keeping her legacy alive. A tapestry artist, Samarjeet also understand palette and form. Her colours go from English to jewel tones. Her fabrics celebrate gossamer richness and her cuts and silhouettes are cameos of the past. Rich, regal and refined.... Plumtin allows each woman to feel her royal best. Indian history is replete with the glory of embroidery that proudly adorned the palaces of the past. Be it the paisley done in silk threads that traveled through the silk route, or the to adoring and mirthful cherubs of Kashmir that filled the robes of Delhi's sultans or even the use of mirror and beads in the exuberant textiles worn by the Indian nomads, the mosaic of heritage embroidery gets lovingly recreated in each of Plumtin's creations.



types of outfits

bridal lehenga, light lehenga, indian suits, indo westerns

other services

customized, ready made

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