Parineeti Chopra And Raghav Chadha got engaged on 13 May, 2023 at the Kapurthala House in Delhi. After months of rumors and speculations, Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra said ‘YES’ to Aam Aadmi Party MP Raghav Chadha. And there was no way Parineeti’s cousin Priyanka Chopra could miss this big day!

Check Out How Priyanka Chopra Dazzled In A Lime Green Ensemble At Parineeti Chopra’s Engagement:

Priyanka Chopra Looked Fantastic As She Slayed A Lime Green Ensemble

The global star, Priyanka Chopra, flew down to India for Parineeti & Raghav’s engagement and looked dazzling! Priyanka, who shares a close bond with her cousin, could not miss this big day and flew in the night before to make sure she is a part of the event.

Priyanka Chopra Looked Splendid At Parineeti Chopra's Engagement

For the event, Priyanka Chopra Jonas opted for a gorgeous lime green pre-draped ruffled saree and matched it with an off-shoulder corset blouse. The outfit was a stunning pick from Mishru brand, which Priyanka styled with layered necklaces and a statement bracelet watch.

Priyanka Chopra Looked Splendid At Parineeti Chopra's Engagement

Here’s everything about Parineeti Chopra & Raghav Chadha’s wedding!

Priyanka, who shares a close bond with her cousin, took to Instagram after the ceremony on Saturday evening, posted several pictures giving a glimpse from inside the ceremony.

She wrote –

“Congratulations Tisha and Raghav… Cannot wait for the wedding! So happy for you both and the families so fun to catch up with the fam!” Unfortunately, Priyanka Chopra’s husband Nick Jonas, who at present is busy with his boy band Jonas Brothers’ tour, and daughter Malti Marie could not be a part of the celebration.

Parineeti Chopra And Raghav Chadha's Pristine Ivory-Hued Engagement

ShaadiWish is here to keep you updated with all the details we get our hands on the latest celebrity wedding updates.

Don’t miss out on ShaadiWish approved wedding planners for the big day.


Vendor Details:

Outfit: Mishru – Noemi Saree Set

Assistant: Bhanavi Mathur

Makeup Artist: Uday Shirali

Hair Stylist: Anu Kaushik

Footwear: Crimzon World

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