The Kapoor and the Bhatt khandaan celebrated Ranbir-Alia’s mehendi ceremony with gusto and why not. The power couple is finally getting married and we absolutely cannot control our excitement. Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are all set to tie the knot today in a very intimate ceremony at their home with just close friends and family members. The much awaited wedding is finally happening.

Check Out How Ranbir-Alia’s Mehendi Ceremony Was A Star-Studded Affair:

1. Our favorite Mother-Daughter Duo

Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and Neetu Kapoor are literally mother-daughter goals. Riddhima was seen in a shimmery sequin saree by Manish Malhotra while the groom’s mother looked beautiful in a floral white lehenga.

Ranbir-Alia’s Mehendi Ceremony

Image Source: Viral Bhayani

All you need to know about Ranbir and Alia’s wedding reception.

2. Kapoor Sisters In Their Best For Ranbir-Alia’s Mehendi Ceremony

Kareena Kapoor was seen happily twirling away in a scintillating Manish Malhotra lehenga with a no makeup look. On the other hand, Kareena donned a beautiful yellow color suit with such pretty jhumkas that added charm to her look.

kareena kapoor in manish malhotra

karishma kapoor for ranbir mehendi

Image Source: Yogen Shah

3. The Ever-So Fashionable Karan Johar

Karan Johar was spotted in a deep yellow sherwani and had his dapper looks on point.

Ranbir-Alia’s Mehendi Ceremony

Image Source: Yogen Shah

4. Guests In Attendance For The Mehendi Ceremony

Famous director Ayan Mukherjee, Ranbir’s aunt Rima Jain and his son Armaan Jain were there to celebrate with the couple.

mehendi ceremony guests

5. The Ladkiwale

Alia Bhatt’s mother, Soni Razdaan and sister, Shaheen Bhatt happily waved to the pap.

alia bhatt sister and mother

Image Source: HT City

We absolutely cannot wait for the wedding pictures to be out soon.

Stay tuned to ShaadiWish for the latest updates on this celebrity wedding.

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