Srishti and Sriram’s intimate wedding in Tamil Nadu was a beautiful and intimate event. The couple first met each other in Delhi 4 years ago while working at the same company. Sriram and Srishti became pretty good friends and Srishti became his wing-woman. She would try to find the perfect girl for Sriram to date, little did they know that cupid would end up getting them together. Srishti got to learn a lot about Sriram’s personality while trying to find the perfect girl for him. But they soon realized that there’s a lot more to their friendship. Srishti confronted him by telling him that she’s found the perfect girl for him and he knew it was her. 

Ever since her college days, Srishti has always wanted to get married the traditional South Indian way. And her wishes came true when Sriram, a Tamil Brahmin boy, entered her life.

Check Out All The Lovely Pictures From Their Cozy Wedding In Tamil Nadu

1. Srishti & Her Gang

As a bride, Srishti was dressed in a traditional silk Kanjeevaram saree with gold jewelry. She dressed up in her traditional attire along with a bun adorned with gajra as well. Her bridesmaids were all dressed in matching green sarees. 

blouse design

bridal nath design

bridal squad photo

bridesmaid photoshoot

Steal photoshoot ideas from these gorgeous South Indian bridesmaids.

2. Sriram & Srishti’s Wedding In Tamil Nadu

In true traditional style, the couple had a gorgeous wedding by the banks of Kaveri River in Tamil Nadu. They had a Tamil Brahmin ceremony and exchanged beautiful tricolored garlands. 

south indian couple

wedding in tamil nadu

south indian bride

Here’s all you need to know about the Tamil wedding rituals. 

3. Oonjal Ceremony

As a part of the Tamil wedding ritual, the couple has an Oonjal ceremony. In Tamil, ‘Oonjal’ means swing, and it represents a couple’s happy married life through life’s ups and downs. They looked absolutely adorable and perfect with each other. 

couple portrait

oonjal ceremony

Consider these stunning oonjal decor ideas for your South Indian wedding.

Vendor Details:

Wedding Outfit & Bridesmaids Outfits- Pothys 

Official & Paavay.In 

Venue- Arangam Arangam, Srirangam Trichy 

Makeup Artist- Zazzle

Jewellery- Tanishq

Photographer- Sindhuja Balamurugan

Videographer- Odyssey Films 

Don’t miss out on ShaadiWish approved wedding planners to plan your dream wedding. 

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