For The Love of Cake

Wedding Cakes in Delhi NCR

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About For The Love of Cake

Well, FLOC really started as a hobby for me. I loved to bake back then, just as much as I love to bake now. I was always the one to make the birthday cakes for our friends, my family, and close family friends. After school, I worked as a Psychologist in a hospital; I also helped my father with our family business for a while. Six jobs later, at the not-so-tender age of 24, I realized, the one thing that did bring me joy was baking. That was really when the idea of creating FLOC was born in my head. I had taken a decision to leave my 9 to 5 office job and Aku had decided to leave her job at Ernst & Young and chuck those GMAT prep books out of the window. All hell broke loose in our house. Our parents were skeptical at first, but nevertheless, they stood by us. Making that initial jump was one of the hardest decisions of my life, but what made it easy was the sheer joy I felt when I woke up in the mornings knowing that I will be spending my time doing something that I love. Nothing beats that feeling. Aku and I had a mutual vision for FLOC - we didnâ??t merely want to create products that were visually appealing and delicious to taste. Our mission, our goal, was to cater to the clientsâ?? needs and never stop innovating. On August 8th, 2011, For the Love of Cake (also known as, FLOC , Side Note: Aku gets all credits for the name) was officially created in our house in South Delhi. Our small business started with selling cakes to our closest friends, family, family friends, and co-workers. And I want to thank all of our friends and family for their support at the beginning of this venture (and most crucial stage, in my opinion) because not only did they buy the cakes, many a times, they were also the ones who stayed up all night helping us make their cakes for them.

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