TV actor Dilip Joshi’s daughter’s wedding made headlines for all the right reasons. His daughter, Niyati Joshi tied the knot with film director Yashowardhan Mishra on 11th December at Taj Hotel, Mumbai. The couple has been engaged since March and had a very intimate wedding celebration with close-knit family and friends. Actor Dilip Joshi invited the whole cast of ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah’ to the wedding as well. Father Dilip Joshi penned a very sweet note for his daughter and shared it on his social media handles. 

All You Need To Know About Dilip Joshi’s Daughter’s Wedding With Yashowardhan Mishra

1. Niyati Joshi Flaunting Her Grey Locks Like A Boss

Many praised and lauded Niyati Joshi’s bridal look as she unabashedly embraced her grey hair. It sure was a bold choice by Niyati to not over-glamourize her wedding look just to ‘look the part’. We loved the way she carried herself in a beautiful Banarasi saree with a floral bun. 

first look bridal

family wedding pictures

bridal portraits

Dilip Joshi's daughter's wedding

Colorful floral buns for brides to slay their wedding look.

2. Dilip Joshi’s Daughter’s Wedding Pictures

Well-known as Jethalal in the sitcom ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah’, Dilip Joshi penned a beautiful message for his daughter that read- 

“You can borrow feelings from songs and films, but when it all happens to you first-hand… that experience is unparalleled.

Wishing my little girl, Niyati and the newest entrant to the family, my son, Yashowardhan, the very best and so much more on this amazing journey! Thank you to everyone who shared our happiness by being with us, or by sending their aashirwad and good wishes for the couple. Jay Swaminarayan 🙏🏻😇”

bridal entry

dilip joshi with wife

bride and groom

3. Niyati Joshi & Yashowardhan Mishra

Yashowardhan Mishra is the son of the well-known writer and lyricist Ashok Mishra. The couple wore matching outfits with beige and red as their outfit colours. They got married according to the Gujarati rituals at Taj Land Ends, Mumbai. 

Niyati Joshi & Yashowardhan Mishra

gujarati wedding

niyati joshi grey hair

Bookmark these traditional Gujarati sarees that we spotted on real brides.

Vendor Details: 

MUA: Ritika Turakhia

Hair: Altering Images Salon

Photography: The Grape Studio

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