We think everyone is familiar with the problem that having sex makes a lot of noise. This intimate and private business is ironically hard to keep a secret. Moreover, couples who live in a joint family or with kids can back this fact. But fret not folks, we’ve got some easy sex tips for all you lovebirds that’ll help you keep the volume down. 

Sex Tips

Note Down These Helpful Sex Tips That’ll Help You Have A Quieter Sex-

1. Use Pillows

Since sex can be really loud and we all want to avoid being overheard, pillows can help curb the noise down. Whenever the situation arises where you or your partner can’t keep it quiet, scream into the pillow. This will help you both keep the volumes down and avoid any type of embarrassment.

Scream into the pillow

2. Turn Up The Music

Music is a very sexy way to steam things up. And as a bonus, it’ll help you make all the noise you want while you two have a good time. Put on some loud music that you both enjoy and let the music drown your volumes.

Watch these steamy shows with your partner.

3. Avoid The Bed

Uh-yes! As comfortable beds may be, they tend to make a lot of noise when couples are having their intimate moments. And to avoid those embarrassing and squeaky noises, ditching the bed might be a good option. You can choose your foamy sofas or get down on the floor with some blankets. Plus, a change of place is always a good idea.

change of place

4. Kiss Of Love

Another very romantic option for y’all to keep it down is to kiss one another when you feel the need to make a sound. It’s not only a helpful sex tip but also a very romantic gesture. Moreover, it’ll help you two to keep things steamy and sexy.


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5. Take It Slow

Some couples do get really loud while indulging in intense lovemaking, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But when you two can’t afford to make noises then having slow sex can make things easy for both of you. Slow sex is very intimate and romantic and can help you two connect even more with each other.

6. Switch Positions

If nothing works in your favor to minimize the noise, then perhaps changing positions might help. Try spooning or more face to face positions that don’t require a lot of exaggerated movements. Positions that keep you two closer to one another will help you keep down the volume.

switch positions in bed

Read these 7 weird things that happen with couples during sex.

7. Hop In The Shower

Yeah! Your bathroom is one place that is a private area for both of you and having sex in the shower can help dissolve all the noise away. With water running, there’s hardly anything audible. Although, be careful in the shower for obvious reasons.

Shower sex

Sincerely hoping these sex tips were helpful as well as useful for y’all. 

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