1st December was the finale night for Bollywood’s newlywed couple, DeepVeer. After a marathon of wedding celebrations, the couple hosted one grand party for their friends from the film fraternity. The party was hosted at Grand Hyatt, Mumbai, where the night witnessed a lot of glamour with the entire Bollywood being a part of it.

While we all know that it was a star-studded night, not everyone knows what went on inside DeepVeer party. Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh posed for crazy pictures with their Bollywood friends. They even danced all night making it one hell of a night to be remembered by one and all.

deepveer reception, deepika padukone, ranveer singh

deepveer reception, deepika padukone, ranveer singhdeepveer reception, deepika padukone, ranveer singh

deepveer reception, deepika padukone, ranveer singh

deepveer reception, deepika padukone, ranveer singh

deepveer reception, deepika padukone, ranveer singh

Later at the party, Deepika Padukone was seen ditching her red high heels and slipping into comfortable sneakers. She even let go of her outfit’s veil and we are totally crushing over her new Badass avataar! Check out how the lady of the evening was spotted having fun with the Bachchans:

deepveer reception, deepika padukone, ranveer singh

deepveer reception, deepika padukone, ranveer singh

deepveer reception, deepika padukone, ranveer singh

deepveer reception, deepika padukone, ranveer singh

deepveer reception, deepika padukone, ranveer singh
Ranveer Singh too changed his outfit and was seen wearing a Cheetah print velvet coat later at the party.

deepveer reception, deepika padukone, ranveer singh

deepveer reception, deepika padukone, ranveer singh

Here are some more crazy moments from DeepVeer finale reception in Mumbai at the Grand Hyatt including Shahrukh Khan’s Chaiyya Chaiyya and Abhitabh Bachchan’s Jumma Chumma.


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