Bollywood’s newlywed couple- DeepVeer is everywhere on the social media and it seems that the two are still not over their wedding fun. Previously, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh had their wedding reception party in Bangalore on 21st November 2018. And, yesterday i.e 24th November, DeepVeer had their post-wedding bash at the Grand Hyatt, Mumbai. This private wedding bash was all planned by Ranveer Singh’s sister Ritika Bhavnani. The couple was welcomed with unique customized gifts and chocolates by the hotel.

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The guest list was limited to their close friends including Shraddha Kapoor and her brother Siddhanth, casting director Shanoo Sharma and Anshula Kapoor.

For the party, Deepika opted for an embroidered lehenga from Sabyasachi’s Kesribai Pannalal collection. Whereas, the handsome Ranveer Singh was seen wearing a cool outfit by Manish Arora.

DeepVeer was seen setting the dance floor on fire as the two danced their heart out on Bollywood numbers. Their dancing videos are all flooding the social media including a video where Ranveer Singh confronted everyone that he has married “the most beautiful girl in the world”!

The couple will be hosting another reception for their Bollywood friends in Mumbai on December 1.

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