You’re the happy bride! Congratulations. We’re pretty sure that your mind is running in all directions. The thoughts are endless. We’ve just put it together for you down below. Share a laugh with the other sapiens if you have thought of these things too.
1. Oh my god… I’m getting married today! This is it, I am done being single forever. Foreverrrr. 
2. This lehenga is so frikkin’ heavy. How will I lug it around for the next five hours?
3. Awww…. Look at my husband. That sounds so strange… husband husband husband. I better get used to it.

4. Who are all these people? I think I recognize like fifty.
5. If I smile any wider my cheeks are going to fall off.

6. Aunty, please don’t cry, you’ll make me cry and I don’t know how waterproof this mascara really is.
7. I need champagne. Lots of champagne. Bring me champagne!

8. I can’t wait for the honeymoon. I want to lie by the beach and do nothing. Except have wild, mind blowing sex.
9. Oh no! am I sweating? I cannot have sweaty armpits on my wedding day.

10. Ok no more hugs. What if I just start high fiving people, would that be weird?
11. Where are my friends? I need to pee.

12. Do the bride and groom really have to share a plate? I want my own!
13. Hey, photographers, more pics of me, please!

14. I will not cry during my bidaai.. no, I will not cry. Oh no! I’m already crying.
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